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Multiplier events

The activities and messages will be adapted as it should according to the public and target groups in the field of activity of the beneficiary (colleagues, peers, local authorities, other organizations performing the same type of activity, networks, etc.).

For example: end users of the activities and the results of the project; stakeholders, experts and practitioners in the area in question, or other interested parties; politicians at the local, regional, national and European levels; Press and media; the general public.

The academic direction of the Oise in partnership with the GIP FOPINVAL and its communication service will be responsible for the centralization and dissemination. By agreement and agreement with partners in common dissemination tools will be adopted with a project Charter.

The one of the Oise, in the light of its experience of pilotage to pedagogical and educational issues and its major partner, Mr. BENTOLILA and the University Paris-Descartes, under the tutelage of the Rector of the Academy of Amiens, has competent personnel and tools to carry out this mission. All the services, administrative and training, digital will be associated with the work.

The project's results will remain available and will be used by others using :
. Agreements signed with each partner establishing intellectual property rights
. Broadcast on the site of the project
. Layout site link of the project with the official websites of the educational authorities of partner countries
. Results of the project on the platform of valorisation/dissemination of the European Commission