The Erasmus project "Preventing illiteracy through educational innovation and cooperation with families"
(validated in July 2017 by the European Union)
Over a period of three consecutive years, it opens up prospects for cooperation on innovation and the exchange of good practices.
ILLETERACY: Causes, issues
and methods of prevention
The project "prevent illiteracy through educational innovation and cooperation with families" is a response to the diagnosis of our territory and those of our partners. The project is part of the first two components of the Academy of Amiens project: preventing school dropout and promoting the ambition of learners. The Defense and Citizenship Day (JDC) established since July 2010 and the survey conducted between 2011-2012, in metropolitan France with 5 regional extensions including Picardy shows that 11% of young people in our region are illiterate, this represents 125,000 people. The project is centered around two more specific priorities with regard to the reference framework: - Continue to strengthen key competences in VET programs - Promote the acquisition of skills and competencies In an approach of prevention and fight against illiteracy, the continuation of the reinforcement of key competences and the promotion of the acquisition of aptitude and skills are major stakes of the department of Oise and the partners of the project. These two priorities are particularly important for the audiences we target: young or adult learners who are geographically, socially and / or culturally distant from the school system.
The calendar of ERASMUS+ project