Élaboration d’un manuel
Development of a manual Development of a manual and its implementation for interactive online use to enhance students' comprehension skills. Introduction and training in the methodology of reading skills by the puzzle. The puzzle technique is a method of organizing activities in the classroom that makes students dependent on each other to succeed. This method breaks the classes into groups and breaks the media into pieces that the group assembles to complete the puzzle.
Introductions d'un tutorat
Introduction and tutoring training for peers (parents) in reading comprehension. Parents' tutoring in learning to read focuses on reading with their children outside of school. It will be a priority to cooperate with students for a better understanding and strengthening of skills in this area. This promotes opportunities for parents to maintain the emotional connection and to give students the feeling of being respected by their family.
Lecture sur TBI
Introduction and basic skills training in interactive board reading
Stratégies de décodages
Reading comprehension and decoding strategies for parents to co-operate with young readers.