Prevent illiteracy by innovative educational devices and co-operation with families
This publication will be a synthesis of best practices in the fight against illiteracy in Europe, a search of invariants and transferable adaptations.
This publication will focus on three devices: the implementation of the ROLL, machines to read and spaces parents as a fight against illiteracy in a network of educational establishments.
In addition to the publication of high level, will be carried out:
-two training modules destined for the actors in the fight against illiteracy. Creation of MOOC (A. Bentolila), Serious games entry and e-learning sessions;
-A web space in English, Italian, Romanian, Turkish and in French on the eTwinning website.
-Application in English and in the language of each partner on the model of the Machine to read for his experimentation in the partner countries.
The days scheduled for the realization of the intellectual productions correspond to the stages of the methodological research and its different phases:
Work of teachers and teacher-researchers:
- Bibliography on the topic: 3
- Mounting of research actions: 5
- Collection and analysis of data: 10
- Interviews and processing the results: 10
- Construction of summaries: 5
- Drafting of intellectual production: 17
- drafting of the modules which are connected: 10
- Project Manager: 10
Technicians (specific one of the french partner):
- shooting sequences, web site, editing the screencasts and MOOC: 40
The realization of these innovative intellectual productions and related training modules are designed to a greater audience possible in Europe and at the international level.
This requires technical, especially digital tools to collect the raw material in the various countries of this project, realize the construction of innovative teaching tools and the production and dissemination of the results (class sessions, interviews with the actors, users and parents; collaborative site; MOOC...)
Breakdown of the work, the tasks required for the realization of the intellectual production and the methodology applied
In consultation with Mr. BENTOLILA, will allow the deployment of the device of the ROLL and machines to read for the students of cycle 3 more fragile.
For the ROLL, a first axis of work will be organized around the understanding of texts (ACT) narrative, explanatory, prescriptive workshops. A second axis offers autonomous activities to work understanding skills, which are the indispensable complement of the ACT. For the convenience of teachers who decide to become involved in the scheme, will be put at their disposal a set of tools and documents to consult and download (including a "starter kit") which will allow them to organize learning. Training sessions will be organized as part of the Erasmus + project for teachers and parents project partners.
-Prevention of illiteracy implies a participatory approach involving many actors of the educational success: national education, primarily, but also its partners that act before entry into school, in complementarity with the learnings and next to the school. Several associations already active naturally find their place in this partnership. Our public and community partners, major players in the prevention and the fight against illiteracy, will collaborate in the project, in their respective areas of expertise:
-Department: commitment in the fight against illiteracy by establishing a cultural policy in the direction of the most vulnerable populations (transport support; PASS culture...) and logistical support for the project.
-Regional and departmental enforcement agency against illiteracy: provision of expertise in the throughcare of youth and put in links with the network of associations.Contribution to the intellectual production and the realization of the training modules.
-The International Movement ATD Fourth World: providing expert in the links between extreme poverty and illiteracy.
-Parent associations will collaborate in the implementation of the school of parents through briefings and training.
-Analysis of needs, tools to implement, the production and dissemination, training and assessments will be of work and regular follow-up meetings of the departmental Steering Group Erasmus + (+ DEPC).
-Pooling will be made at the monthly meetings between the partners of the transnational Steering Committee + Erasmus (+ account).