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According to its staff specially trained in the teaching of foreign languages ​​and the scientific and management organization of the Master in Cultural and Linguistic Mediator for Immigration, the Linguistic Center for Learning Foreign Languages ​​and Italian L2 , is developing specific initiatives for :

  • promote learning in general of foreign languages
  • promote the knowledge of Italian among migrants through specific didactic training for the use of mediators
  • to activate field research in the field of the linguistic competence of mother tongue understanding / production of students and inhabitants of Basilicata. The Primary School Teacher Training Master brings to these initiatives the skills of its team of teachers and educationalists.

The project inspection team will consist of:

  • Project manager-inspector-general school with expertise in the coordination of national projects for more than 10 years, being also professor of geography, researcher in geography - interdisciplinary
  • Project coordinator: the school inspector for European projects who was project coordinator for 9 years, coordinating the 5 projects, also English teacher in charge with the communication with the partners and the coordination of the project activities
  • Assistant School Inspector with long experience in monitoring local and national surveillance projects
  • Assistant Inspector Evaluation of schools participating in the evaluation of many local and national projects for 10 years, also evaluates the work of PE
  • Expert inspector in communication for foreign languages,
  • English teacher for 20 years also involved in Comenius projects
  • Accounting