Prevent illiteracy by innovative pedagogical devices
The creation of the training modules for the actors will be broken down between the partners. These modules will be based on the work done by the project partners and their local experience. The training modules once validated by the partners will be downloadable. this module is a "basic kit" for the implementation of ROLLs, reading machines and parent spaces as a place to combat illiteracy in a network of educational units.
The days planned for the realization of intellectual productions correspond to the stages of the methodological research and its different phases:
Work of teachers and research professors:
Bibliography on the subject: 2
Editing actions search: 2
Data collection and analysis: 8
Interviews and treatment of results: 8
Synthesis construction: 5
Writing of intellectual production: 5
Writing modules that are related: 10
The production of these innovative intellectual productions and related training modules is intended for the widest possible audience in Europe and internationally.
This requires technical tools, especially digital, to collect the raw material of this project in different countries, to realize the construction of innovative production and teaching tools and the dissemination of results (class sessions, interviews with stakeholders, users and parents, collaborative website, MOOC ....)
Distribution of work, tasks necessary for the realization of intellectual production and methodology applied.
Year 1:
Definition of research tools and approach
Confrontation of methods of approach and action with the team of prof. Bentolila for further details on the ROLL methodology
Organization of a University Study Day to activate a reflection on the theme of Illiteracy and contrast strategies
definition and socio-cultural analysis of targeted categories
definition of the linguistic domains of inquiry of the fundamental skills of reading-writing-verbalization of various texts concerning several domains of the daily and professional life according to the categories
- development of documents (written and oral texts, forms to be completed, questionnaires, suggestions for activating functional and creative writing processes) to be submitted to significant groups of representatives from the 3 categories targeted for the collection of data on skills: a ) global and analytical understanding; (b) global and analytical production; (c) understanding and production of general and specific lexicons; (c) use of basic linguistic structures; d) possible use of compensation and remediation strategies for comprehension, production and verbalization and the possible use of support tools to achieve this
- preparation of documents and questionnaires to account for a possible gap in competence between textuality in mother tongue and Italian (for migrants) and textuality in dialect of Basilicata and that in Italian (for adults in rural context) low school and primary school children) as well as the instrumental use of new technologies by the targeted categories in the execution of the tasks requested.
- Confrontation of the documentation produced during the 1st year with the partners and socialization of the associated theoretical-practical reflections.
2nd year:
Field investigation and data analysis
Organization of a University Study Day for the presentation of the project and for a reflection on the issues addressed
Definition of geographical areas of interest and number of actual participants (reception centers, primary and secondary schools, adults in rural contexts)
Submission of texts and documents developed to targeted categories with and without digital complementary media (compensation and remediation strategies)
Data recording
Elaboration and additional documents if necessary for integrations to the collected information
Data analysis and statistics development
Individualisation of intervention tracks inspired by the ROLL methodology
Confrontation of the documentation produced during the 2nd year and the results obtained with the partners and socialization of the associated theoretical-practical reflections.
3rd year
Operational proposals of contrast of illiteracy
Establishment of operational activities and contrast strategies to be proposed in a hybrid training course for teachers and trainers in school context and immigration mediation
- Implementation of operational activities and finalized contrast strategies for adult continuing education in a rural context