The Braila County School Inspectorate coordinated a Comenius Regio project and an Erasmus KA2 first-2014 / 1RO01 / KA201 / 002696. It will provide assurance of the quality of the experience, experts in the field, evaluation and monitoring of the project, as well as visibility in schools. He has experience in writing, implementing and finalizing European projects such as: Comenius, Erasmus, POSDRU, national projects with European funds giving the opportunity to bring the institution into the international zone. She has a strategy to promote learning to read based on graphs, questionnaires. A plan of measures has been designed to promote reading and conclusion in order to integrate interdisciplinary activities that can help literacy and also involve students in international cooperation, which can motivate them further for their studies by focusing on to the curricula of other students from abroad. There are also many students with parents who work abroad, and some of them follow their parents. The Inspectorate has expertise in organizing events, seminars and training. Braila County School Inspectorate has organized some national projects funded by the Ministry of Education on the theme of literacy in collaboration with the teacher training center, such as:
for teachers: "ACTIVE", "National development projects for Romanian, English and French teachers for the development of reading skills of pupils"
for pupils: national project "Second Chance" where pupils from the Roma population, refugees, minorities, students from disadvantaged families and with reading and math problems have benefited from additional teaching time to develop these abilities
Constitution of the project inspection team:
- Project manager-inspector-general school with expertise in the coordination of national projects for more than 10 years, being also professor of geography, researcher of geography - interdisciplinary side
- Project coordinator - the school inspector for European projects who was project coordinator for 9 years, coordinating the 5 projects, also English teacher in charge with the communication with the partners and the coordination of the project activities
- Assistant Expert inspector of schools with long experience in monitoring local and national monitoring projects
- Assistant expert inspector of schools participating in the evaluation of many local and national projects for 10 years, also evaluate the activities of PE
Expert-inspector in communication for foreign languages, English teacher for 20 years also involved in Comenius projects
Accountant inspector for 10 years with extensive experience in managing funds for national and European projects
Trainer specialist training for adults, tutor for 5 years responsible for organizing training courses
Impact expert - will be charged with impact and feedback questionnaires, having great