The fight against illiteracy is a European priority. Its application at the national level, and at the local level, within our structures, is equally: it is at the heart of the missions of our education systems.
This multifaceted approach, ownership of a problem shared in the fight against illiteracy through tools developed by 5 partners by integrating parents is atypical, innovative and complementary to other existing strategies. The research and production of new common, appropriate and adaptable tools is an innovative approach in science education.
Devices existing in each country are not developed-used today in the partner countries. The articulation of the devices within a single project, is within a project to European dimension will lead to innovative solutions in the fight against illiteracy.
The methods and innovative solutions to combat illiteracy that will result from this project will complement the already existing solutions and methods. They will be tested at the departmental level (or even at the academic level) in each of the Member countries and will be the subject of dissemination of European events. This European dimension of the project to also get more ambitious results and deploy tools within larger number of educational units.